I'm Jedrzej.

I'm a full-stack web developer & coding tutor.



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Weather Forecast

A front-end web application that allows you to check the current, hourly and daily weather forecast.

Location lookup by City Name, Country or Geographic Coordinates is possible. After searching for a location and viewing the forecast, the location is automatically saved for quick and easy lookup in the future.

Image Drive

A full-stack web application that allows you to upload and store images along with their titles and descriptions in the cloud.

To use, simply sign up as a user and add your images!

App is PWA enabled and can be installed on Desktop, Android and IOS for convenience. Features a rich Tech Stack as well as security measures to prevent cyber attacks and bots.

Zombie Escape Game

A front-end web game for Desktops developed during a 42-hour hackathon.

The goal is to survive as many zombie waves as possible. Zombies deal damage and can be shot by the player. The waves never end and the game is over when the player is killed.

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Image Drive

A full-stack web application that allows you to upload and store images along with their titles and descriptions in the cloud.

To use, simply sign up as a user and add your images!

App is PWA enabled and can be installed on Desktop, Android and IOS for convenience. Features a rich Tech Stack as well as security measures to prevent cyber attacks and bots.

Weather Forecast

A front-end web application that allows you to check the current, hourly and daily weather forecast.

Location lookup by City Name, Country or Geographic Coordinates is possible. After searching for a location and viewing the forecast, the location is automatically saved for quick and easy lookup in the future.

Zombie Escape Game

A front-end web game for Desktops developed during a 42-hour hackathon.

The goal is to survive as many zombie waves as possible. Zombies deal damage and can be shot by the player. The waves never end and the game is over when the player is killed.


- React.js & Material UI

- MongoDB & MySQL

- GridFS & Multer

- PWAs (Progressive Web Apps) & Socket.IO

- Next.js & Express.js

- NextAuth & bcrypt

- UI & UX design in Figma

- reCAPTCHA v3 & Google Analytics

- React.js & Material UI

- Next.js & Express.js

- MongoDB & MySQL

- NextAuth & bcrypt

- GridFS & Multer

- UI & UX design in Figma

- PWAs (Progressive Web Apps) & Socket.IO

- reCAPTCHA v3 & Google Analytics


Email: jedrzej.golebiewski@gmail.com

LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/jgolebiewski1

© 2022 Jedrzej Golebiewski